Nansense makes sense (vegan-friendly)

It’s my first post in a while, and it happens to be the day after the election. I’m feeling down, so here I am blogging. Maybe I should feel down more often!!

This past Sunday, I went hiking with some new friends in Beacon, NY. We went hiking at Breakneck Road and had a blast. Afterwards, feeling predictably peckish, we ended up at Nansense.

I took a look at the menu and didn’t have high hopes. Nansense is a basic grab-n-go type establishment, except, I’d never been in one that served Afghan cuisine. I actually have no idea what Afghan cuisine is like. I’d wager that Nansense isn’t really traditional Afghan cuisine, since I don’t think Afghanis typically eat burgers and fries, but hey. It’s not my restaurant.

Nansense actually turned out to be a solid pick, despite my skepticism.

Afghan bean soup (Aush)

This soup was a seasonal item and it sounded like the perfect salve to a long day’s hike. It did not disappoint, either: hearty, tomato-ey and chock full of flavor. I opted for the quart size and was able to enjoy leftovers the next day. It was also the only other solid vegan menu option, so I kinda ordered it by default, but it wasn’t like, an apologetic menu item. Highly recommend it for a healthy and filling accompaniment to a bowl.

Eggplant and bean bowl

Surprisingly, this bowl was really delish. I loved the unexpected addition of raisins. The rice was some extra-long basmati type that I gobbled down happily and the seasoning, like the soup, was perfect. I will say that both items weren’t overly salty like most outside cuisine, which I really appreciated.

Nansense lets you customize the spice level. I opted for hot for myself and mild for Juan’s bowl, but to be totally honest, I tasted both and they tasted the same (maybe I’m just so acclimated to spice that I can no longer taste it?). It also comes with a piece of naan (vegan).

Masala fries

These just tasted like fries tossed with spices, nothing crazy here. I liked having it with my bowl.


Kinda like a quesadilla with potatoes instead of cheese — I liked these but wish they had an alternate vegan dipping sauce (like maybe a spicy harissa?). It was a bit plain without anything to dip it in.

Succulent cafe & food lab (Taiwan)

succulent cafe and food lab taipei

Prices in Taiwan are usually very cheap and reasonable, but that wasn’t quite the case at Succulent Cafe & Food Lab. Maybe since they have a very Western aesthetic and English transliteration, their price point was also… Western-like. Either way, expect to pay about the same as you would in the USA here. Having said […]

VJFB™ // Vegan Junk Food Bar (Amsterdam)

A super-popular and trendy vegan franchise in Europe, VJFB has multiple locations around Amsterdam and one new spot in Barcelona. Their food is super-instagrammable with their eye-catching colors (natural origin) and funky decor in every location. Sumo platter: A medley of all their appetizer offerings, this app platter allows everyone to try a little bit […]

[CLOSED] Oh mami, Umami Gorilla really hits the spot (Pennsylvania)

EDIT: As of this writing, Umami Gorilla has permanently closed and this post will serve as a delicious archive of what once was. I never thought I would say this, but I think I died and went to vegan heaven when I went to Umami Gorilla. Even funnier is that it’s legit in the middle-of-bumblefuck-Pennsylvania; […]

Cervecería Victoria (A Coruña)

As not too many people know (unless you for some reason love La Coruña), it’s hard to find good vegan food (let alone vegan food period) in La Coruña. Cervecería Victoria pleasantly surprised me with their wide selection of vegan menu items and they even had a dedicated vegan menu! It is slightly pricey for […]

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