Traveling during COVID has become quite the hassle, as anyone who has done it can attest. I’ve now decided to include a necessary COVID survival post for anyone looking to travel in hopes it’ll make the trip just a little easier!
As I mentioned before in my summer Spain post about travel, you must download the SpTH app and fill out all your information prior to takeoff. They also ask you to fill it out for the return trip, but no one asked us for this at the airport both times I returned to the states, so you’re just wasting your time if you do that.
We typically opt for the cheapest tickets when we fly (one day we will fly first class, but it won’t be today!), so our travel experience reflects that tier of flying.
Usually, the plane offers two meals: one heavier meal and one light “snack” type meal an hour or so before landing. However, we noticed that the “snack” type meal was effectively replaced by a paid option, how shady! Makes sense though, considering how bad the airline industry must have been hit with all the COVID blowback.
Which is why I recommend taking extra food onto the plane with you. I like to pack a hefty sandwich (fried tofu, onions, cheese, etc) wrapped in foil and several packaged snacks (KIND bars, chips, fruit) so I don’t feel like passing out by the time I land.
Still, if you are in a rush, there is one option at Madrid-Barajas for vegans. To my surprise, Burger King has lots of yummy (albeit unhealthy AF) options for a starved traveler.
Whopper sandwich: 3/5
As far as burgers in an airport restaurant go, this was pretty tasty. It’s your basic Boca-like veggie burger with a little bit more oomph thanks to that secret fast-food mystery recipe.
The BK staff was up on it too: they let us know the mayo was not vegan and would not be included in the burger. Typically this burger is prepared to a vegetarian crowd, but it was nice to know that they were informed about what makes it vegan.

Chicken Royale: 2.5/5
A bit less flavorful than the Whopper, this chicken sammy was still quite tasty. I wish they had added onions and tomato in addition to the smattering of iceberg lettuce like they did with the Whopper, but hey, it is what it is.

Chick’n Nuggets: 3.5/5

Slightly reminiscent of lunchtime nuggets, these BK vegan nuggs were crispy but a little lacking in that subtle black peppery outer crispy coating I’m familiar with when I eat fast food nuggets. They were still quite satisfying and fun to eat, evoking memories of my not-so-vegan-fast-food-meal-treat-childhood (say that five times fast!).